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Thank you for your submission

Thank you for completing the form for an assessment.

Your information has been forwarded to one of our staff members to assess and they will make contact with you shortly to advise you of the merits of your matter and possibly to obtain further information if necessary.

Please note the following:

  1. Your submission of this online assessment does not establish an attorney and client relation with Campbell Attorneys, nor does it mean you have instructed us to proceed with a claim on your behalf. It is merely an online enquiry
  2. Prescription:Generally your right to claim for damages will prescribe (i.e. you will loose your right to claim) should summons not have been served against the Defendant within a period of 3 years from the date that the accident or incident occurred (There are certain exceptions for example when dealing with a minor) As a result it is important that you pursue your claim and serve summons, failing which your matter will prescribe.Note there are certain circumstances in which the prescription period will be more than 3 years (for example if the injured party or the Plaintiff is a minor) you can always contact our offices and we can advise you accordingly
  3. If you have been in a train accident, you may well find yourself approached by employees or agents of the Defendant offering you an immediate settlement in exchange for you signing an agreement in which you accept same in full and final settlement and waive your rights to claim. If that happens do not sign same until you had the opportunity to consult with an attorney.